Whether you are tasked with organising just one or thousands of corporate gifts, you need to put together a Corporate Gifting Program that makes an impact on your employees or clients. Maximum impact, minimum cost with little effort should be your objectives.
Take your time to determine what corporate gifting program fits best
That’s why you need to take your time to think about what, how and who you are going to partner with to help you achieve your Corporate Gift Goals.
To give you a head start here are some quick tips on how to succeed with your corporate gifting program:
- Never leave gifting to the last minute – plan your gifting program well in advance. If you can include this as part of your annual budgeting process.
- Set a budget and stick to it.
- Never give cash, it looks like a bribe.
- Check corporate policies to see if there is an upper gift ceiling.
- Check the limits of corporate gifts and Fringe Benefits Tax
- Time your gift to coincide with a particular event. Do not be days or weeks late. It totally loses the impact and your credibility.
- Always make it a point to get to know the individual you are gifting and align a relevant gift to their individual tastes.
- Make your gift memorable – again focus on relevance and timing.
- Take care gifting to the government sector as public sector as their employees are limited on what they can accept in gifts.
- Consider delivery and processing time and don’t forget to factor in delivery costs. If you are giving digital gift cards delivery is free.
- When gifting to a large number of staff give them all the same amount but spend your time aligning the gift to them. Remember relevance will prove memorable.
- Avoid alcohol, corporate umbrellas, caps etc – they are so old school.
- If you are going to give a gift card never leave it to chance and send someone to the supermarket only to be disappointed due to some card being out of stock. Set up a corporate account and buy them online.
- When you are focusing on the relevance of the corporate gift always consider cultural sensitivities.
- Align yourself with corporate gift partners who also have a social responsibility and are active in this area.
- Look for digital and creative ways to personalise the corporate gift.